Saturday, September 7, 2013

General update!

Hello whatever readers I may have left :p
I realize I haven't been updating here for quite some time and it isn't because I don't have anything to write about. There are actually some Vanguard topics I have some thoughts about and have put quite a bit on paper but haven't actually finished any. This is because I have recently moved and am preparing for school (again...) and will most probably not be playing Vanguard for quite a long time (unless I discover a secret CFV community here lol). Thus I have also not been paying much attention to the recent updates and have not found the drive to finish all the topics I would like to cover. Another reason is that, after writing and thinking about them half way through, I just find some of the topics uninteresting. 
But fret not, I'll still attempt to keep up with Vanguard as I am still interested in the game. There just won't be many posts about CFV as I won't be playing it as already mentioned and I feel it is best to test things as it is very easy to come to wrong conclusions in CFV.
However I might also try playing CFV online (if such a possibility still exists), but not guarantees.

I do plan on updating this blog somewhat regularly though. One of the new things I'm going to cover will be another game I really enjoy and that is League of Legends. Having moved and not being able to play on the Garena servers without at least ~200ms latency, often 300+, I'm left with not much choice but to make a new account on EU West servers.
So I'll be posting about my journey starting another account from level 1, having already almost 2k games worth of experience. It might not seem like anything special and of course it does feel like a chore starting from square one again with no champions/runes/skins. But there are actually some interesting things I have noticed (I am currently level 11 and halfish) but I'll elaborate on that another time : ]
Of course after I reach level 30 I'll be covering my ranked games experience, maybe champion guides or specific matchups etc. That kinda stuff.
If you are interested then good! Otherwise, well, you're out of luck here at the moment haha do make sure to check back once in a while though. I have some other stuff I have in mind to put on here as well but I'll wait and see how busy I really am going to be with school first before making any promises.

'Till next post! : ]

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